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Transfer Pricing – Sales agent and working capital adjustments

April 15, 2013  |   Sales Agent,Blog   |     |   1 Comment

Transfer Pricing – Sales agent and working capital adjustments

The transaction The Group, which operates both in the distribution and production in a particular industry sector, has decided to centralize in a single country the logistics and its related services of management and maintenance of the stock and to operate in single local markets through companies belonging to the group and acting as agents. Activities performed An economic analysis on transfer pricing has been carried out in order to support the compliance with the Advice on the redetermination of the value chain in the case of corporate restructuring and reallocation of functions abroad or in Italy. Assistance in case of tax audits and defense in case of tax litigation. Arm's length principle Advice on the redetermination of the value chain in the case of corporate restructuring and reallocation of functions abroad or in Italy. Assistance in case of tax audits and defense in case of tax litigation. Details of the project In particular, the analysis has been aimed at identifying the correct Italian agent's remuneration for his work as a sales promoter (exclusive agent) of the European parent company’s products. For this purpose, a benchmark ...