Privacy Policy


Per il nuovo regolamento sulla privacy e per tutelare l’integrità dei nostri clienti, si è preferito oscurare i dati sensibili di ognuno. Se anche tu sei un nostro cliente, ti saremo grati se vorrai lasciarci anche tu un feedback. I tuoi dati saranno riservati.

Valentina G.
Head of Finance and Accounting
“Dear Stefano In respect of company anniversary, I would like to thank you and your team for the valuable cooperation over the past few years. I have always appreciated your professionalism, dedication and support…”
Luciano A.
Managing Director
“We have worked with TPI for several years and Franchini has proved to be a serious and above all reliable professional. Always ready to take responsibility in a transparent and honest way.
I hope my recommendation will help you because it is professionals like you who make the difference in the “jungle” of Transfer Pricing…”
Luciano D.
General Manager
“Mr Franchini has done an excellent job in assisting us with our Italian Transfer Pricing strategies for the last few years. He has been very responsive and proactive, in addition to quickly understanding our business, transactions, and goals…”
Christophe B.
CEO / Directeur Général
“Stefano has a keen understanding in the field of transfer pricing; during the recently completed projects he has demonstrated his technical skills and experience. He works with a team of professionals that are dedicated persons. Thanks to his capability of analyze the situation, he is able to recommend solutions in order to prevent that the issues compound into larger problems. He is able to explain how tax authorities approach transfer pricing and explain how to prevent challenges even in complex transactions. For this reasons, based on my experience, I consider him a very trustworthy professional…”

Mappa di operatività dello studio
